Prospective and Incoming Transfer Students
Program Overview
The CNAS Summer Bridge to Research Program is a paid ten-week, full-time research experience for first-time incoming community college transfer students admitted for the Fall quarter to one of the 17 academic majors housed in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences [CNAS]. The program is aimed at supporting underrepresented student populations in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics [STEM] fields. The program aims to increase the number of students transferring into the STEM fields and improve their success and retention in the university.
The objectives of the program are to increase support and acclimation of STEM transfer students to UC Riverside through faculty-mentored research projects, transition success workshops, as well as academic and professional skill-building activities. The Summer program is held in collaboration with research participants from the CNAS Scholars Learning Communities, the Dynamic Genome Summer Research Scholars , B2B Program, California Alliance for Minority Participation, Digital Agriculture Fellowship, and multiple Faculty-sponsored grant programs [ Six-Legs, Nagel Lab] as part of the Summer Research In Science and Engineering program [RISE].
Through support from generous donors and institutional financial commitments to undergraduate research, the College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences pays CNAS undergraduate students in the Learning Communities CNAS Scholars program (continuing students, CNAS Scholars) and the Summer Bridge to Research program (incoming transfer students) a $5,000 stipend for the 10-week program. The linked application is for incoming community college transfer students.
SBTR Application for Incoming CNAS Transfer Students
The submission period for incoming transfer students is from January 10 to April 28 to align with UCR admission decisions and Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadlines. Incoming transfer students must have submitted their SIR and committed to UCR to be eligible for acceptance into the 2025 SBTR/RISE program. Offers will be rescinded or not extended if the SIR is not submitted by the required deadline in June.
CNAS Summer Bridge to Research participants are selected on a competitive basis from first-time incoming community college transfer students admitted to UC Riverside's College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Must be an admitted transfer student to the College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences at UCR for the Fall quarter
- Must have submitted a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) at UCR for the Fall quarter
- Preferred academic preparation: At least one year of core science or math series in Biology, General Chemistry, Physics, or Calculus
- No prior research experience required
- Must be available up to 40 hours per week, 8 am - 5 pm M-F which may include additional evening/weekend hours
- Must not be engaged in outside employment, enroll in summer courses, or take a vacation for the duration of the program
Program Requirements
Time Commitment
The program requires a full-time commitment from each student for its entire duration. Participants are expected to work up to 40 hours/week and must be available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am-5:00 pm, and may include additional evening/weekend hours for programming. Consequently, summer employment, summer school enrollment, and vacations during the research program are prohibited.
Last year's schedule: RISE Schedule Example (2023)
Last year's symposium abstract book: RISE Symposium Program (2023)